Friday 20 November 2009

Yet more radio!!

Well, it's all kicking off in radio land (in a good way!)

My interview with Tim and Marian is being repeated sometime on Sunday 22nd Nov between 1 and 3 pm on BBC CWR, so if you don't have i-player you can tune in and listen!

Also, on the 6th December on Saturday morning I'll be doing a live phone interview direct from South Africa to fill you in on how the first week has gone and what's happening down in the Southern Hemisphere. Am really excited about this opportunity and a chance to tell people in Coventry and Warwickshire (and further afield via i-player!) all about the everyday challenges, highs and lows of working with my wonderful children in Inchanga! I think it's going out quite early but I'll put it up nearer the time to remind you!