Tuesday 22 December 2009

Feeding the kids 2 - Christmas Party

It's odd doing a party at 10.30am in the morning when it's blisteringly hot.

However, not if you are a primary school child on holiday with nothing much to do...

Yesterday I cooked up a big vat of beef curry and we served that to the kids today, along with bread, juice and cake for dessert. I've never seen those kids get so excited as when I offered them seconds of cake! Today we had 22 children come to eat, and some of them were new so my total of orphans on my list is now 73...

After they'd eaten, we played Pass the Parcel (an essential at any party!). It took a little bit of explaining but once they'd got the hang of it they loved it. We have children from Grade R up to Grade 7 and they worked well at helping each other. The little boy from Grade R was especially excited every time the parcel came anywhere near him and he managed to open it twice I think, winning 2 lollies.

After this we gave out their presents. We'd got a small bag of sweets, a balloon, an apple (keeping it healthy!!), bag of crisps and a 'lucky packet' which was either Disney, WWE, Spiderman, High School Musical etc and proved to be very popular. Not hugely expensive gifts but they were well received and the children went home happy.
Thank you to all the people who donated money to make this possible. It's great to see kids get excited about life and I'm starting to build relationships with some of the children which will be a good starting place when term starts to visit them at 'home' and see how I can help them further.