This morning was my first attempt at taking food for my kids at school and in the valley. Also my first attempt at doing it alone as everyone else is busy with Lionsraw project.
I'd arranged to meet the majority of my 40 kids at school at 10am, but I was reminded of the fact that most kids don't have watches when I got a call about 9.15am saying my kids were waiting for me. Thankfully they waited until I got there. I was met by a few of my eager kids, with a few of their neighbours too, all children from the school but not on my programme. Good news for them, then, when half of my kids didn't show and I could give out their food parcels to these children who patiently waited around. I don't like to send hungry kids away empty-handed and every child got today a bag of maize meal, a box of soya mince, a tin of pilchards and some little juice powder. You are supposed to put it into a bottle of water and shake and drink, but most of the kids seemed to prefer to eat it like sweets.
Keith, from Lionsraw, had also given me lots of baseball caps to give out to the children and quite by chance I took them this morning, not realising that they were the perfect colours of Bafana Bafana, who opened the World Cup this afternoon. The kids were more than excited to get these!
Thanks Keith for making the children's day!
After waiting around for any extra kids to turn up, I headed down the Ehlanzeni in the valley to give 5 of my children the same food parcel. These kids live a long way down a big steep hill and 3 of them were waiting to meet me. They too were excited to see what I had for them and I also gave them a lift up the valley back to nearer their homes so that was a highlight for them!
All in all, it was a good morning and a great start to the feeding programme. I'm looking forward to checking in with the kids throughout this holiday and really making a difference in their lives. Thank you to those who have donated to make this possible, if you'd like to contribute, get in touch!