Thursday 24 September 2009

Newsletter October-November 2009

Project Manager CAROLINE HORN
Newsletter OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2009

The Story So Far… an update
In August I spent 2 weeks in KwaZulu Natal, getting to know the children and staff of Inchanga Primary School, with whom I shall be working closely over these next few years, and also linking in with the Lionsraw team who are getting ready for the World Cup projects 2010.
It was also a good opportunity for me to catch up with old friends, to see the children from God’s Golden Acre, where I used to work, and to renew contact with local people within the community who could help us out in our new venture.
I took some food to the 40 orphans. The school also arranged for me to visit the home of 2 of the children with whom I shall be working – see later on for what I found…

The Vision of Grapevine Foundation
Inchanga Primary School (near Durban) is a popular & thriving school. Yet for 63 of its pupils, school is the only source of food & clean water. They come primarily to get breakfast & lunch, as they sleep rough in the surrounding areas. The few clothes they have are washed by the teachers & at the weekend they struggle to survive in harsh rural conditions, without any family to help them. Can you imagine how vulnerable they are to possible abuse?
Two years ago, Micky Bailey learnt about these orphans & set up Grapevine Foundation (GVF) to provide specifically for them. Over the past few years, working with some local people in Inchanga, she has raised money to bring food to these children.
In June-July 2010, a group from the UK ( will be embarking on various projects in the Valley of 1000 Hills. The biggest of their projects will be to assist GVF in building the first phase of the Children’s Village. There will be 10 rondavels (traditional African homes), with a foster mother to care for a few children in each house, using the ‘cluster foster care’ method. Future plans are to build a clinic, crèche & community hall, which will assist the community by bringing help just that bit closer to the people.

One in every 2.5 people in Inchanga is infected with HIV/AIDS,
currently the highest rate in the world…
10 000 die here every month.
Over half of our children are potentially HIV+

The next step…
I shall be returning to KwaZulu Natal as soon as I can raise enough support to keep me out there. If I can get back before Christmas 2009, then the challenge of the school summer holidays lies before me, as the children face 6 weeks of no school, but also no regular meals twice a day either.

My main aims as Project Manager are:

To go and see where each child is sleeping at night in order to establish the actual needs of each individual.
To liaise with the school social worker to make sure each child has a birth certificate and then has access to whatever grants are available.
To make sure any children who are unwell receive medical attention and also help out with transporting children to the clinic as necessary.
To assist in providing food for these children at the weekends and during the holidays.
To assist in providing properly fitting shoes and clothes.
To get to know each child and be a source of love and friendship to them, as well as helping them to make the most of their childhood. They are precious to God and He loves them so much, I need to tell them!
To ascertain which children need to move into the Children’s Village and which need support within their families.
To assist in the preparations for the new build of the Children’s Village in June 2010, particularly in finding good house-mothers.

Sanele’s Story
This is me with Sanele and Nontobeko, 6 yr old twins in our project. I had the privilege of being taken by them to see their house not far from the school. They are blessed to have their mother and 2 brothers living with them, although their mum only has one day’s work a week so times are still hard.
These children will need supporting within their family unit, they will not move into the Children’s Village next year. However, Sanele is not too well and is often ill so help with medication and trips to the clinic will probably be a priority with him, aside from catching up with him and his friends on the playground. He has the most infectious and precious smile and it’s worth anything to see it!

How YOU can help… This is what I need to get me there and make this a reality

I need to raise £2000 to get me out to South Africa. This covers flights, visa and everything I need to get my visa, plus relocation costs of getting some of my things out there. In addition to this I need £800 each month which should cover living costs.

If the Lord is laying it on your heart to contribute towards my work, please copy, paste and complete the section below and return it to me. I know that He has called me into this project, and I know that God chooses us to help each other to fulfil His plans.

Is He calling you to help His work and His children at such a time as this?

Grapevine Foundation also needs a vehicle, to enable me to reach these children, and funding for the new build of the Children’s Village. The new build is estimated at £100,000 and a vehicle would cost from about £5000 (second-hand) up to £30,000 (new 4x4). If you would like to contribute to either of these, either go to or contact me and I will put you in touch with Micky who is overseeing these funds.

I need financial support to be able actually to get there, but I also need support through your prayers as well and, even if you can’t give financially to the work there, please remember me before the Lord as I am heading out to this exciting and challenging next season of my life. If God has laid it on your heart to commit to interceding for me, thank you, and let me know so that I can keep you updated specifically with anything that might come up…
Can you help? If so, please indicate below in which ways you are thinking of supporting me. If you wish to set up a standing order, I will be in touch with my bank details. Please indicate how much you think you could give and how regularly. I don’t know how long God plans for me to be out there but should you wish to put a date to review your giving (eg: 2 years) please let me know. Cheques payable to ‘Caroline Horn’. Thank you.

£10-£20 □
£20-£50 □
£50-£75 □
£75-£100 □
£100 or more □
specify amount: ___________

Monthly □
Annually □
One-off gift □

Please complete your details:

Phone Number:

Please return to me as soon as you possibly can (current address below).

Feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or would like any more information.

I would also love to come and talk about the project to anyone who will listen - churches, women's groups, school assemblies, classes etc etc. let me know and we'll book at date!!


Deuteronomy 31v8

‘The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.’

Getting in touch, staying in touch!
Email: /
Skype: caroline.louise.horn
Address: 2 Cross St, Leamington Spa, CV32 4PX