Sunday 27 June 2010

Lionsraw - the continuing saga..

I hadn't realised that I'd only written about Day 1 of Lionsraw Project and then nothing more. SO much has happened during these past few weeks that it will take me a few days to process it. As I write, half of the team are back in the UK and the other half are packing to leave tomorrow morning early, having been subjected to the sorry state of English soccer this afternoon!

There are so many stories that I will put up over the next few days/weeks, but I need to recuperate on my sleep first as I've been travelling back and forth to Durban every day and coming home fairly late to sleep up here in the mountains and then getting up to photograph builders, buildings, kids and soccer balls each morning. I've really enjoyed the experience but am looking forward to eating at home and getting a few early nights in and back to some semblance of a normal routine here.
So check back here over the next few days for more tales of passion and belief...