Saturday 17 July 2010

Ice cream!

Last Friday I took one of Russell's kids over to visit her Gogo in the valley near Hillcrest and 4 of the smaller kids with Bo came along for the ride. They were super excited about being in my car and going for a ride and they loved pointing out the cars we passed en route to town.
On the way home I took them to Milky Lane for an ice cream. They were very excited and sat patiently round the table as I went over to the counter to order their ice cream. The shop is near the car park in a popular shopping centre and quite a few people were passing on their way back to the car. Many of them gave us big smiles when they saw a white woman with several cute zulu children eating ice cream. The kids loved the attention. Someone even gave them each a balloon.
The kids were so excited to get ice cream and Siyanda kept telling all the passers-by that it was 'imnandi' which means 'tasty'. They all managed to get faces totally covered in ice cream! It was lovely to make their day and spend time with them.