Thursday 29 July 2010

Kids' Club - penfriends

Kids' Club this term has been slow to get started for various reasons. I'm used to this and it's not a problem as I get to see the kids in the playground and out and about and am keeping up with them. It's taken a while to come to terms with Sanele's death and to recover from the sheer exhaustion after all of that. Then, when I arrived in school last week ready to go, the kids were busy preparing for school trip to Moses Mabhida stadium and that was the end of my class for that day.
Today I'm grounded as my car is being fixed, an essential service to get it back to perfect working condition again. Not a day goes by when I am not thankful for this vehicle and the generous donations that enabled me to buy it. It truly is a blessing from God and a reliable machine, despite outward appearance.
However, on Tuesday I managed to gather 6 of the younger children for a session and they started work on some letters to send to a school in the Isle of Wight. During the Lionsraw project one of the team members gave me some letters from his daughter's primary school and my children are preparing replies. Mostly for these children it will be assisted replies as they can't write much in Zulu let alone English, but the pictures that they are producing are beautiful (and I'm not just saying that because they are my children!)
Progress may be slow, but the end results will be worth it!